Restorative Therapies for Conquering Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation is a major cause for concern all around the world. Neither is India behind with our changing lifestyles. It has a huge impact on human health, productivity, relationships and more. Long-time use of screens such as laptops, smartphones and tabs, late-night parties and binge-watching, extended working hours, health issues and other factors have contributed to a steep decline in sleep hygiene. 

So, it leads to a decrease in immunity and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. 

Sleep deprivation can lead to an increased risk of accidents due to drowsy driving, lack of focus and inability to react quickly or make decisions.

Symptoms of sleep deprivation

The range of symptoms include

  • Issues with concentration
  • Loss of memory
  • Irritability 
  • Mood swings
  • Fatigue 
Effects of sleep deprivation on the human body
  1. Immunity: It could make you prone to infections, which would take time to heal or respiratory diseases.
  2. Hormone levels: Sleep deprivation can affect the production of vital hormones such as growth hormone or testosterone. It causes your body to release stress hormones such as cortisol and norepinephrine. 
  3. Cardiovascular system: You risk cardiovascular issues such as fluctuating sugar levels and blood pressure and inflammation control. 
  4. Brain: It makes learning and memory retention tough. Also, it affects the prefrontal cortex and amygdala.
  5. Weight: It may lead to increased fat storage, increased weight and risk of Type-2 diabetes. Also, it affects the hormones that trigger feelings of hunger and fullness. 
  6. Fertility: It can affect the hormones that boost fertility.
Long-term effects and complications of sleep deprivation
  • Stroke 
  • Heart attack 
  • Obesity 
  • Diabetes 
  • Sleep apnea 
  • Psychosis 
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Hypertension 
Diagnosis of sleep deprivation 

A sleep expert diagnoses sleep deprivation issues by asking the patient about

  • Sleeping habits 
  • Causes behind the disruption of sleep 
  • Health conditions and medications used in the same
  • Amount and quality of sleep

Restorative therapies that could help in sleep deprivation:

Relaxation techniques: This includes meditation, breathing exercises, mindfulness training, and guided imagery to reduce tension. Sleep apps and audio recordings also can help.

Cognitive behavioural therapy: Also known as CBT, it is a therapy in which thought patterns contributing to sleeplessness are identified.

Stimulus control therapy: In this type of therapy, going to bed on time and only when you’re sleepy is practised. Watching TV, listening to music, snacking or reading in bed is avoided. Getting up at the same time every day is also practised.

Sleep restriction therapy: Here, you reduce your bedtime to the total time you sleep in an average night by going to bed later but not below five hours. Make the change by sleeping late and not getting up early. But do wake up at the same time every day. 

Maintain the same bedtime for a week and then move it 15 minutes earlier every week until you get a refreshing and satisfying sleep. Following this, maintain the same schedule every day. 

Hence, sleep deprivation is an issue which needs treatment with proper care and guidance. It must not be taken lightly. 

Sleep Therapeutics is the first exclusive sleep centre in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, based in Hyderabad. Hence, if you’re facing sleep deprivation issues, please contact us for the best solutions. We’re here to help you.