The Art of Sleeping: Effective Techniques for Faster Slumber

Among vital human necessities, sleep reigns supreme—a priority often surpassing even food. The pursuit of high-quality, restful sleep is paramount. Seeking assistance from a sleep specialist in Hyderabad can optimize your sleep experience. This has been true throughout history, extending from ancient times to the present and into the future.

It’s possible to sleep faster with adjustments to our lifestyle. Not being able to do so may indicate issues with sleep hygiene or even sleep disorders. Changes such as cooler rooms, avoiding screens before bedtime and even practising breathing exercises help. 

Some people find it quite easy to fall asleep quickly, while others may have a hard time. 

Poor sleep hygiene could cause

  • Type-2 diabetes
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Obesity 
  • Stress, anxiety & depression
  • Impaired learning, memory and mood
Ways to sleep fast
  1. Music: Disturbing noises can interfere with your ability to sleep faster. Try playing soothing music so that your body system winds down faster.
  2. The Military Method: A technique developed to help soldiers sleep quickly as they have inconsistent schedules. 
  1.  Assume a comfortable position and relax each part of your face.
  2.  Rest your arms at the sides, dropping your shoulders first.
  3.  Now, take deep breaths to relax the chest and torso.
  4.  Relax your lower half, beginning from the hips and going through each part of the leg up to the feet.
  5.  Visualise peaceful imagery to put your mind at ease. Move beyond any unwanted thoughts that may come in.

3. Progressive muscle relaxation: Here, breathing techniques along with muscle contraction and release help lower stress. 

  1.  Lie in bed, close your eyes and slowly inhale-exhale deep breaths. 
  2.  Tense your facial muscles for 10 seconds, followed by releasing them and taking deep breaths.
  3.  Repeat the same with your shoulder muscles.
  4.  Also, repeat the above for every other muscle group up to your feet. Avoid areas where you feel pain.

4. Guided imagery: Recall a serene image such as a countryside or river and visualise the stress leaving your body as you notice each and every detail in the imagery. Slow and deep breaths will aid in calming you down for a good night’s sleep.

5. Meditation: Practise the art of mindfulness meditation to help you fall asleep faster. It helps reduce anxiety and let go of negative thoughts.

6. Regular sleep schedules: Maintaining regular sleep timings including on weekends, helps with better and quicker sleep. Irregular schedules can exacerbate sleep issues. 

7. Screen use: Stay away from screens at least an hour or two before bedtime.

More ways to help you sleep faster

8. Food & Drinks: Consume plants, fibre and foods rich in unsaturated fats as opposed to sugar, processed carbohydrates and saturated fats. 

Also, avoid caffeine and alcohol a few hours before bed.

9. Sunlight: It improves your sleep quality by improving the circadian rhythm. Also, your body produces the melatonin hormone that induces sleep from sunlight exposure.

10. Darker & cooler rooms: Maintain an optimal room temperature and dark environment to fall asleep faster.

Therefore, being able to sleep fast is no magic. Good sleep hygiene, along with simple activities, can make it easier.

Sleep Therapeutics is the first niche sleep specialist in Hyderabad. If you have persistent sleep issues or require advice on getting restful sleep for a better quality of life, look no further. We’re always there for you!